Friday, January 24, 2014

History of Evang. M. B. Poole

History of Evangelist Mattie B. Poole and Bishop Charles E Poole

A Picture Of Bishop Charles and Mattie B. Poole

Click Here For Sound Tracks & Pictures Of Bishop and Evang. 

Mattie B Poole

Mother Mattie B. Poole had one of the most storied evangelistic and healing ministries in apostolic Pentecostal history. Her roots, like those of many major apostolic figures, were in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. 

Her ministry mantra was "Why Should You Suffer When Others are Being Healed? Why Should You Die Before Your Time?" Her favorite song was "Sweeping through The City."

Born in 1903 Memphis (TN), Mattie (Robinson) Poole came to Chicago at an early age. She attended school on Chicago's south side and was a member of Apostolic Faith Church (AFC) under both Elder A.R. Schooler and Elder John S. Holly. AFC is now shepherded by Past PAW Presiding Bishop Horace Smith, M.D.

Baptized in the name of Jesus by Elder G.T. Haywood and filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost at age 17, Mattie (Robinson) Poole began ministering at 18. She was wed to Minister Charles Poole, an associate minister at Apostolic Faith in 1921. 

Mattie (Robinson) Poole was sister to the late Suffragan Bishop Henry Robinson, a longtime PAW Sergeant-at-Arms. 

An accomplished pianist and piano teacher, Mattie Poole attended Chicago Musical College and Conservatory (now the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University). And even as a young lady, she was known to spend four hours a day in prayer. 

In 1932, Minister Charles E. Poole opened a mission called Bethlehem Tabernacle, on Chicago's west side. In 1938, the mission relocated to a converted garage, and Evangelist Mattie Belle Poole joined her husband in the ministry. She became the Assistant Pastor. 

In 1944, the church relocated again, to a storefront on Lake and Campbell Streets. It was here that the gift of healing manifested in a dynamic way. Miracles were performed, the lame walked, the blind began to see, wombs were healed, deaf ears were opened . . . and the word spread throughout the Chicago and the nation.

In 1954, Elder and Mother Poole built a new church and renamed it "Bethlehem Healing Temple" (BHT). The ministry grew and established a national and international radio audience. An extensive communications ministry distributed literature, record albums, and tapes as well. 

Past PAW Bishop William Ellis, who assisted Bishop A. C. Richards in preaching  Bishop Charles Poole's homegoing service, was a frequent revivalist at BHT. He says, "It was a powerful ministry on the west side. Sometimes ambulances would bring people to Bethlehem Healing Temple and Mother Mattie would tell them 'You can go ahead and leave. They won't need you once the service is over.'"

In 1957, with tensions regarding the Pooles' ministry growing within the PA ofW, Pentecostal Assemblies of The World.  Elder and Mother Poole left their longtime association with the PAW. They joined the newly-formed Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith (PCAF). Several other PAW churches also joined the PCAF, which formed under the leadership of Bishop Samuel N. Hancock of Detroit (who had decided to part ways with the PAW). 

In June 1961, the ministry outgrew their building and acquired its present facility at 12 South Oakley Blvd.

Upon the death of Bishop Hancock in 1963, Mother Mattie B. Poole founded and directed Living Witnesses of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. Through the Pooles' extensive travels, Bethlehem Healing Temples and Bible schools were established in Brooklyn (NY); Boston; Atlanta; Gary (IN); Lockport (IL); Ghana; Liberia; Nigeria; Jamaica; and West Africa. Revival Tabernacle, on Chicago's south side also became part of the organization. It was in Living Witnesses that Mother Poole's husband became "Bishop" Charles E. Poole; a post that he maintained until his passing in 1984. 

Mother Poole passed away in September 1968, leaving a legacy of healing and deliverance that is still spoken of with great reverence and awe. Even today, Bethlehem Healing Temple, Mattie B. Poole Auditorium, there hangs neck braces, walkers, wheelchairs, and crutches along the wall's as evidence of healings that took place under Mother Poole's ministry. 

Mother Mattie Belle Poole was a prolific evangelist, church builder, and organizer who God choose to use greatly. To Him be the Glory and Honor who redeemed us with His own blood. Jesus The Son Of God.

1 comment:

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