Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Evangelist Mattie B. Poole - Bishop Charles Poole

Evangelist Mattie B. Poole - Bishop Charles Poole

evangelist mattie b. poole and bishop charles e. poole praying for the sick




"Why should you suffer 

while others are being healed?"


"Why Should You Die Before Your Time?"

Evangelist Mattie B. Poole ( Mother Poole)  & Bishop Charles E. Poole 
( Uncle Charlie) Founder’s and Pastor’s of Living Witness of The Apostolic Faith inc. and Bethlehem Healing Temple located in the great City of Chicago. 12 s. Oakley Blvd. on the west side.

This post is meant to be a tribute to Mother & Bishop Poole. I hope it will spark memories in those that were there. And I hope it create and stirs the soul’s of you that missed and never attended what I considered to be The Greatest Church On The face of the earth at that time.

Before I get started with this tribute to Mother Mattie B. Poole & Bishop Poole I am reminded of a passage of Scripture that has torn my mind and heart for years, because those that were there, I mean really were there, to see and experience the Miracles and Healing's that went on in that place, will never be comfortable with mediocrity in the Church. Looking for our Lord and Savior to restore as He promised in His Precious Word. Listen to the scripture speak to your soul.

EZRA 3: 10-13
10. And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Le’vites the sons of A’ saph with cymbals, to praise the Lord, after the ordinance of David King of Is ra-el.
11. And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the Lord; because he is good, for his mercy endures for ever toward Is ra-el. And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.
12. But many of the priests and Le’ vites and chief of the fathers, who were ancient men, that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and many shouted aloud for joy:
13. So that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people: for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the noise was heard afar off.

HAGGAI 2: 3 & 7,8,9
7. Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing.
I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord Of hosts.
8. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.
9. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts.
What a precious and great promise from the Lord. Even so come Lord ought to be our prayer.

 A Tribute To Mother Mattie B. Poole

In the year of 1967, our family lived at 4429 w. Adams on the west side of Chicago. I had not yet turned 10. My Mother laid down on the couch to take a nap. She had complained of of being very tired and asked us kids to please let Her rest. several hours passed, we noticed she was still laying there. On her back, left side against the back of the couch. Her right arm was slightly across her stomach. We went to wake her and found that she had died on the couch. You have to understand 5 children standing around a mother who had died. She was cold, not breathing and would not wake up is what I remember about her condition. In those days we were instructed you did not call on no one else but, GOD.
It was unusually doing that time for us to have a phone. We were very poor. But this one time we had phone service. I will never forget the Church’s telephone #  CA6- 3991. Back in the days when they used letter’s. I happened to be the one to call the church. Evangelist Mattie B. Poole answered the phone. ” Praise The Lord, this is Bethlehem Healing Temple, Sis Mattie speaking, Can I help you?”  I told her, ” Sis. Poole, this is Chucky Trimm ” she immediately said ” WHAT’s wrong son”  I told her Mommy is dead!. The very next words out of her mouth was, ” where is she?” I told her she was laying on the couch. She then told me to put the phone to her ear. I will never forget Mother Poole’s voice as she prayed. ” In the Name of Jesus, Satan loose your hold, death you have no authority over this young mother, loose her and let her go, In Jesus Name.” At that point my mother flung her arm and sat up, wide eyed and taking in a deep long breath. The power of GOD was in that house, so much so that my youngest sister. Queenie GOD filled her with the Holy Ghost  Speaking in tongues as the Spirit of GOD gives the utterance.  at the very moment he raised my mother from the dead. My mother went on to live until Sept. 1991. I give GOD praise for allowing me to know Sis. Mattie B. Poole and sitting under their ministries those 6 years before she passed.

Listen to Mother Mattie B. Poole praying. I’ll be back!

Evangelist Mattie B. Poole- A Prayer For The Sick


If I had a thousand books or words I would do this ministry no Justice  you really would have had to be there to witness the healing’s and miracle’s  that occurred all the time. You came to church expecting GOD to do something. I don’t know if there were others at that time but, Bethlehem is the only church that I am aware of that routinely had the ambulance pull up to the Church, transfer people from the ambulance stretcher to the Church stretcher’s. Who in turn the nurse’s at the church would roll them along the walls, and as GOD is my witness, they were healed as they laid there while a bible class of faith was being taught. Blind, received their sight, deaf, heard again, lamed walked, Many delivered from drugs and alcohol. WHAT A GREAT GOD WE SERVE. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR USING THEM!

As long as I live I will never forget the personage of Mother Mattie B. Poole & Bishop Charles E. Poole. They were the main people that I saw model godly living with signs and wonders following. Bishop Charles E. Poole & Mother Mattie B. Poole I Honor Your Memory and with all my heart I Love You. SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE IN THAT GREAT GETTING UP MORNING. To GOD BE THE GLORY FOR Mother Mattie B. Poole & Bishop Charles E. Poole.

                                                 Your Humble Servant
                                               Bishop Charles W Trimm

                                                    ( chucky Trimm )


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Evangelist Mattie B. Poole
Mother Mattie B. Poole


  1. Thank you for sharing. My Pastor was the late, Fannie Mae Henderson, through which I found out about Mattie B Poole. Mother Pooles voice sounds so much like my Pastor's, that I almost cry each time I hear her voice. I think there are many who never heard Mother Poole, who will enjoy anything posted about her. Again, thank you for keeping the memory alive so that we can be blessed.

  2. Praise The Lordm...MotherPoole often came to Clinton Street Bethlehem Temple in Detroit blackbottom.She and Bishop S.N.Hancock had powerful miracle ministries...I was prayed for by MotherPoole in the womb of my mother at that time all the babies at Clinton Street were dying.Bishop Hancock put the church on a 3 water no food to cast that death spirit of the wombs of saints..shortly after the fast no more babies died...doyou have pictues of Mother Poole with Bishop Hancock we are doing a history project know as the SNHDiaspora:A Detroit Blackbottom project.We are including Mother Poole..please contact me at the church 313-361-1110 Dr.Daniel

  3. Where can i purchase mattie poole bishop poole and ive a new identity albums all of this great holy ghost filled recordings

  4. I met Charles Trimm aka Bishop in wynonna in 2012 he spoke on her story to me and told me how he was going to the exact church as a child in Chicago and would see the crutches and people walking again in amen

  5. Would anyone like to purchase Evangelist Poole's original obituary and albums?

    1. Praise the Lord. If the offer is still available, I would love to purchase the original obituary of Mother Poole (as well as any other literature or recordings of this dynamic woman of God). You may reach me via email at for further information. Thank you again and many blessings to you.

  6. I would like too..

  7. Can I get a copy of any books from Sister Mattie poole..I don't know my url email is thank you

  8. I am a researcher and I would like anything concerning Mattie B. Poole to be sent to
